Category: Animals


50 Amazing Awesome Facts About Rat | Amazing Facts 4U Rats are rodents which are the largest species of mammals. Nearly half of all mammal species are rodents. The term …


30 Awesome and Amazing Facts About Octopus | Amazing Facts 4U There are around 300 recognized octopus species. The largest octopus weighs about 15 kg. Their intelligence is amazing. They …


35 Amazing Facts about Tiger | Amazing Facts 4U Tigers are the largest members of the cat family ahead of lions renowned for their power and strength. It’s amazing that tigers …


35 Amazing Squirrel Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The squirrel is the Native American symbol for preparation, trust, and thriftiness. Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, consisting of small or medium-size rodents. …


60 Amazing Facts About Horse | Amazing Facts 4U Emerging 60 million years ago, the first horse was called Eohippus (The Dawn Horse) and was tiny, weighing only 5 Kg …


20 Amazing and Little-Known Dragonfly Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve, some 300 million years ago. The dragonfly has hardly changed …