50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hurricane | Amazing Facts 4U The word “hurricane” comes from Hurricane, a name for the god of evil on some islands in the Caribbean. The …
30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Tornado | Amazing Facts 4U Tornadoes are usually the extreme result of a very large thunderstorm called a supercell. Tornadoes begin when the sun …
35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Global Warming | Amazing Facts 4U Global warming is the increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. …
35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Antarctica | Amazing Facts 4U Antarctica is the fifth largest and the southernmost continent in the world. Antarctica is covered by ice all …
60 Amazing Facts About Water | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly it is the only natural substance found in all three physical states – Solid, liquid and Gas at the temperatures …