Category: Facts

Interesting Facts

15  Interesting Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Obese people who are too big for MRI machines at hospitals are in fact sent to Sea World to image them using machines designed …

Exhilarating Facts

15  Exhilarating Facts | Amazing Facts 4U An Exhilarating Fact is that in 2011, two men paraglided from the summit of Mt. Everest, arriving at a village in 42min, thereby avoiding …

Enchanting Facts

15  Enchanting Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The amazing Fact is domain names were free until 1995. Amazingly 8th January 1836 is the last day in history that the USA had …

Engrossing Facts

15  Engrossing Facts | Amazing Facts 4U An Engrossing fact is in 1913, it was legal to mail children. With stamps attached to their clothing, children rode trains to their destinations, accompanied …

Impressive Facts

15  Impressive Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The Impressive Fact is that all pandas in the world are owned by China. They rent them out to zoos for $1million …

Enthralling Facts

15 Enthralling Facts | Amazing Facts 4U When you look up at the blue sky and see white dots flying around, amazingly you’re actually seeing your own white blood …