Category: Insects


40 Amazing and Little-Known Mosquito Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Mosquitoes exist for as far back as 400 million years ago. There are about 2,700 species of mosquito. There are …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Tarantula | Amazing Facts 4U As the world’s largest spiders, tarantulas are both feared and beloved. There are approximately 900 species of tarantula in …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Grasshopper | Amazing Facts 4U The grasshopper is an insect that belongs to the order Orthoptera. There are about 11000 different types of grasshopper …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Fireflies | Amazing Facts 4U The amazing fact is that fireflies are not flies. They are beetles. Ideally, they should be called Firebeetles! Biologically …


60 Amazing and Unknown Facts about Insects | Amazing Facts 4U Insects are without backbone and have three body parts. In contrast, Spiders have 2 body parts. Amazingly 80% …


20 Awesome Amazing Facts About Cockroach | Amazing Facts 4U Of the world’s 4,000 species, amazingly only 30 species live in our household. Cockroaches have existed on earth for …