Category: Manmade


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Dams | Amazing Facts 4U A dam is a barrier designed and constructed to contain the flow of water. Dams are built for purposes …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Tattoos | Amazing Facts 4U The first-ever tattoo to be found on a human being is believed to be found on a mummified iceman …


35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Carpets | Amazing Facts 4U The term “carpet” derives from the Latin carpere, “to pluck,” probably because carpets were made from unraveled “plucked” fabric Rug and …


40 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Television | Amazing Facts 4U Television sets receive and display broadcasts of moving images and also produce sound through speakers. The images on a …

Burj Khalifa

30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Burj Khalifa | Amazing Facts 4U Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world with an architectural height of 2717 feet or 828.0 …

Great Wall of China

30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about the Great Wall of China | Amazing Facts 4U The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure in the world. While the …