Category: People

Eyes (Part 2)

40 Amazing and awesome Facts About Eyes (Part 2) | Amazing Facts 4U Your eyes are about 1 inch across and weigh 28 gms. Everyone has one eye that …

Eyes (Part 1)

50 Amazing and awesome Facts About Eyes (Part 1) | Amazing Facts 4U You see with your brain, not your eyes. Eyes function like a camera, capturing light and …

Walt Disney

40 Amazing Walt Disney Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Personality Walt Disney’s own childhood wasn’t all that happy. His father Elias was a strict disciplinarian and Walt and his …


50 Amazing and Awesome Exercise Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly if all 600 muscles in your body pulled in one direction, you could lift 25 tons! Underwater swimming is the only …


30 Amazing Facts About Venezuela | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The term Venezuela literally means ‘Little Venice’. The country was so named by its explorers, who saw houses …

Japan (Part 2)

60 Amazing Japan Facts that will fascinate you ( Part II ) | Amazing Facts 4U People Amazingly Japan’s literacy rate is almost 100%. The fact is there is almost no immigration in …