Category: People


55 Amazing Facts about Sweden | Amazing Facts 4U Land & Geography Sweden is officially called the Kingdom of Sweden. By land area, Sweden is the 3rd largest EU …


30 Amazing Facts About Uruguay | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The name of the country when translated means “river of painted birds”. It is a small, heart-shaped country sandwiched …

Steve Jobs

35 Facts about Steve Jobs | Amazing Facts 4U Steve Jobs’ biological father was Abdulfattah Jandali, a Syrian Muslim professor of political science. His biological mother was Joanne Carole Schieble, an American. …

Weird Deaths

35 Amazing Weird Deaths | Amazing Facts 4U Canadian lawyer Garry Hoy amazingly died in Toronto while trying to prove that the glass in the windows of a 24th-floor office was unbreakable, by …


50 Amazing Facts about Finland | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The official name of Finland in the Republic of Finland. Finland has an area of about 338,000 square kilometers. Forests cover …


60 Amazing Facts that will surprise you About Greece | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Greece is located in southeast Europe, close to both Africa and Asia. Greece has an area …