Category: Politics


50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Thailand | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The population of Thailand is about 67 million. Thailand is made up of approximately 1,430 islands. Thailand’s …

Adolf Hitler

35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Adolf Hitler | Amazing Facts 4U Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship in Germany reflects unforeseen levels of barbarity and genocide, unparalleled manipulation of the media to …

Hillary Clinton

25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hillary Clinton | Amazing Facts 4U Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 and has become the first woman in the history …

Barak Obama

35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Barak Obama | Amazing Facts 4U Barack Hussein Obama is named after his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (1936-1982). “Barack” means “blessing/blessed/to bless” in …