Category: Science


20 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Quasar | Amazing Facts 4U ‘Quasars’ is actually a short name for Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources. They actually belong to a family of objects which …


60 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Earthquakes | Amazing Facts 4U Earthquakes kill approximately 8,000 people each year and have caused an estimated 13 million deaths in the past 4,000 …


40 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Television | Amazing Facts 4U Television sets receive and display broadcasts of moving images and also produce sound through speakers. The images on a …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Fireflies | Amazing Facts 4U The amazing fact is that fireflies are not flies. They are beetles. Ideally, they should be called Firebeetles! Biologically …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Gravity | Amazing Facts 4U Objects with mass are attracted to each other, this is known as gravity. Gravity is by far the weakest …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Radiation | Amazing Facts 4U Radiation is the energy that comes from a source and travels through space. When this energy passes into the …