
50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hungary | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Hungary has a size of 93 thousand square km and it is strategically situated at the border …


60 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Taiwan | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Taiwan is nestled between Japan and Philippines in the Western Pacific Ocean. This sweet-potato-shaped country is near …


45 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Orange | Amazing Facts 4U Orange is a type of berry. Oranges are the largest citrus crop in the world. Oranges were first grown …


40 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hair | Amazing Facts 4U Hair is the storehouse of information as you can find out everything that has been into a person’s bloodstream by …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Yak | Amazing Facts 4U Yak is a close relative of buffalo and bison. There are two species of yaks: mostly domesticated and some …


40 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Rome | Amazing Facts 4U Rome covers 1,285 Sq. km with 98% of the population Roman Catholic. Rome attracts nearly 13 million tourists every …