
40 Amazing Facts You may not know About Computers | Amazing Facts 4U The QWERTY keyboard layout is 130 years old. ENIAC, the first electronic computer, appeared 50 years …


30 Amazing Weird Facts That Will Blow Your Mind | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly nearly 160 years ago a Frenchman and a Russian fired bullets at each other in …


25 Amazing Facts About Molluscs | Amazing Facts 4U Molluscs are invertebrates that include animals such as squid, octopuses, snails, oysters etc. There are an estimated 100,000 species of …


Top 25 Amazing Facts About Owls | Amazing Facts 4U Owls have been found in the fossil record up to 58 million years ago. The largest recorded owl fossil stood …


Top 45 Amazing Facts About Fire | Amazing Facts 4U Fire is a chemical reaction that releases light and heat. The ancient Greeks amazingly started a fire with concentrated sunlight. …


Top 40 Amazing Facts About Papaya | Amazing Facts 4U The papaya belongs to the Carica Papaya tree. The papaya is a tropical fruit tree and it is also …