
30 Amazing Facts About Iceberg | Amazing Facts 4U The word iceberg comes from the Dutch term iceberg which means “ice mountain”. Icebergs are edges of glaciers that have broken …


35 Amazing Facts About Gorilla | Amazing Facts 4U Gorillas are the largest living primates, a family of animals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. Gorillas are the world’s largest …


30 Amazing Facts about Honey | Amazing Facts 4U Honey is actually a supersaturated sugar solution with approximately 17.1 percent water. Fructose is the predominant sugar at 38.5 percent, followed by glucose at …


35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Meteorite | Amazing Facts 4U Meteoroids are found in space while meteors are in Earth’s atmosphere and meteorites are found on the ground. The …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Cuckoo | Amazing Facts 4U The cuckoo is a bird of the Cuculidae family. The scientific name of Cuckoo is Cuculus canorus. There are …


35 Amazing Facts about Austria | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Austria is officially called the Republic of Austria. In German, it is called Osterreich which means “eastern kingdom” or “eastern empire”. …