
30 Amazing and fascinating Facts About Termite | Amazing Facts 4U Termites lived 130 million years ago. They look like ants but they descended from a cockroach-like ancestor. A termite …


55 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Nigeria | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The official name of Nigeria is the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Nigeria derives its name from …

Pi (π)

50 Amazing Facts About Pi (π) | Amazing Facts 4U Pi (π) is the most recognized mathematical constant in the world. It is the most important and intriguing number in …


60 Amazing Elephant Facts to surprise you | Amazing Facts 4U The word “elephant” comes from the Greek word “Elephas” meaning “ivory”. There are 170 known fossil elephant species …

Leonardo Da Vinci

30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Leonardo Da Vinci | Amazing Facts 4U Leonardo da Vinci was a genius and his work is fascinating. He was also a painter, scientist, musician, …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Influenza | Amazing Facts 4U The word influenza is the Italian word for “influence” referring to the cause of the disease. People believed that …