
38 Amazing Facts About Planets | Amazing Facts 4U If you are having problems remembering the planets in their correct order, just remember this sentence “My very educated mother …

James Bond

40 Amazing and Unknown Facts about James Bond | Amazing Facts 4U Ian Lancaster Fleming (1908–1964) was an English author, journalist, and naval intelligence officer, best known for his James …

Atomic Bomb

45 Amazing Facts about Atomic Bomb | Amazing Facts 4U In 1933, a Hungarian scientist Leo Szilard, first theorized that enormous amounts of energy could be released by an atomic chain …


30 Amazing little known Facts About Smoking | Amazing Facts 4U Over 2,000 years ago, South American Cultures began using tobacco. Brazilian peoples invented cigarettes by rolling tobacco leaves in …


50 Amazing Facts about Diamond | Amazing Facts 4U The word “Diamond” comes from the Greek word “Adamas” and means “unconquerable and indestructible”. The weight of a diamond is …


30 Amazing Facts About Flowers | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly there are more than 2,50,000 species of flowering plants in the world. The fragrance of flowers is due to …