
60 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Vietnam | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The official name of Vietnam is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Vietnam shares a land border with …


50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Peanut | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly peanut is not a nut, but a legume related to Peas, beans, and lentils. Legumes are a group of …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Pear | Amazing Facts 4U Pear belongs to the family of roses. It’s the cultivation of pears about 1100 years BC in China. The …


40 Amazing and Little-Known Mosquito Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Mosquitoes exist for as far back as 400 million years ago. There are about 2,700 species of mosquito. There are …


50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Bangladesh | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The official name of Bangladesh is the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The word Bangladesh means “Country of …


25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Jackfruit | Amazing Facts 4U The jackfruit tree originated from South Asia. It is a tropical plant, thriving in areas where temperatures are warm …