Hong Kong

60 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Hong Kong | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Hong Kong’s official name is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or Hong Kong SAR.  …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Twins | Amazing Facts 4U About 1 in 30 pregnancies result in identical twins in the USA. Rate is on the increase due to …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Yoga | Amazing Facts 4U The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj meaning to yoke or join together. It refers to …


35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Samsung | Amazing Facts 4U Samsung is the world’s largest IT company. The founder of Samsung Lee Byung Chul had high ambitions for his …


35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Chicken | Amazing Facts 4U The chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus, is a domestic subspecies of the red junglefowl, a member of the pheasant family …


45 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Paris | Amazing Facts 4U Paris is the political, cultural, and intellectual capital of France. Paris is the single most visited city in the …