
25 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Ear | Amazing Facts 4U Our ear has 3 bones that are so small that they can be placed together on a penny. These …

Diet Fibre

30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Diet Fibre | Amazing Facts 4U Fibre is a non-digestible, plant-derived carbohydrate that includes the storage and cell wall parts of the plant. Fibre …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Stomach | Amazing Facts 4U The stomach is found in the left upper part of the belly. The stomach is about 12 inches long …


55 Amazing Facts About Norway | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The name “Norway” means “path to the North”. The country of Norway is officially known as the …


30 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Pigeon | Amazing Facts 4U The word ‘pigeon’ comes from the Latin word ‘pipio’, meaning ‘young bird’. The word then passed into Old French …


20 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Lungs | Amazing Facts 4U The word “Lung” originates from a 13th-century European language, it means “light” which refers to the weight of the …