50 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Divorce | Amazing Facts 4U The most commonly cited statistic stats is that one in every four families will face divorce. More than one …
40 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Salt | Amazing Facts 4U Salt (Sodium Chloride) is formed when the unstable metal sodium reacts with chlorine gas. It is the only family …
35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Global Warming | Amazing Facts 4U Global warming is the increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. …
35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Antarctica | Amazing Facts 4U Antarctica is the fifth largest and the southernmost continent in the world. Antarctica is covered by ice all …
25 Amazing and Unknown Facts about Air Travel | Amazing Facts 4U KLM is the worlds’ oldest airline established in 1919. QANTAS is the second established in 1920. The …
25 Amazing and Unknown Facts about Amazon River | Amazing Facts 4U The length of the Amazon River is approximately 6400 kilometers (4000 miles). It is the second-largest river …