Enchanting Facts

15 Enchanting Facts | Amazing Facts 4U In 2003, Morocco offered to send 2,000 monkeys to assist the war effort in Iraq. They were to be used to detonate …

Japan (Part 2)

60 Amazing Japan Facts that will fascinate you ( Part II ) | Amazing Facts 4U People Amazingly Japan’s literacy rate is almost 100%. The fact is there is almost no immigration in …

Japan (Part 1)

60 Amazing Japan Facts that will fascinate you ( Part I ) | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography The Japanese name for Japan is “Nippon” which means “sun origin”. …

China (Part 3)

50  Amazing Facts About China (Part 3) | Amazing Facts 4U It’s amazing that the August 2010 traffic jam near Beijing was over 100 km long and lasted for …

China (Part 2)

50  Amazing Facts About China (Part 2) | Amazing Facts 4U Watermelon is considered a good gift to give a host in China. Amazingly in China, finishing all the …

China (Part 1)

50  Amazing Facts About China (Part 1) | Amazing Facts 4U China holds the record for having the largest population in the world, with the Chinese making up an …