Absorbing Facts

15 Absorbing Facts | Amazing Facts 4U It costs an amazing $25,000 for a mountaineer to buy a single permit to climb Mt. Everest. Germany builds about twice as many cars as …


25 Amazing Facts about Leopard | Amazing Facts 4U The scientific name of Leopard is Panthera pardus. Leopards are easily recognized by their stunning amazing rosette patterned skin. The head, neck, and legs …


50 Amazing Facts about Indonesia | Amazing Facts 4U Land &  Geography Indonesia is officially called the Republic of Indonesia. It has an area of approximately 1,919,440 square kilometers. …

England ( Part 2)

40 Amazing Facts About England ( Part 2) | Amazing Facts 4U Politics/ Legal The amazing Fact is that in Medieval England animals were brought into court, and tried …

England ( Part 1)

50 Amazing Facts About England ( Part 1) | Amazing Facts 4U Land & Geography England is amazing 74 times smaller than the USA, 59 times smaller than Australia, and …

American Civil War

25 Facts about American Civil War | Amazing Facts 4U American Civil War, also called War Between the States was a  four-year war (1861–65) between the United States and …