25 Amazing Worms Facts You may not know | Amazing Facts 4U
- A worm has no arms, legs, or eyes. Worms are cold-blooded animals.
- The amazing fact is that blood-sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide.
- A single cocoon of silkworm can produce 1,000 ft silk and to make a silk-made tie 100 cocoons are used.
- The amazing fact is the silkworm consumes 86000 times its own weight in 56 days.
- Darwin described the earthworm as “the intestines of the earth”. It’s amazing that Charles Darwin spent 39 years studying earthworms.
- There are approximately 2,700 different kinds of earthworms.
- The fact is worms have no fewer than 5 hearts!
- The largest earthworm on record was found in South Africa and measured 22 feet.
- The amazing fact is in one acre of land, there can be more than a million earthworms.
- Baby worm are not born. They hatch from cocoons smaller than a grain of rice.
- Amazingly worms are hermaphrodites. Each worm has both male and female organs.
- Worm can eat their weight each day.
- Earthworms breathe through their skin and have to come out after heavy rain to escape suffocation. Amazingly if a worm’s skin dries out, it will die as it can’t breathe.
- A worm doesn’t have eyes but is sensitive to light.
- Worm are invertebrates, that is they have a long, soft body and no backbone or legs!
- A worm doesn’t have a brain but does have a nerve center (called ganglia).
- Worm plays an important role in creating rich soil that plants feed on to help them grow strong and bear lots of fruit.
- The giant earthworm has a lovely shade of Prussian Blue growing up to two meters long found in Australia.
- Amazingly earthworms eat almost anything that was alive, as long as it is dead when they eat it.
- The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans dies after about fourteen days. But when stressed, amazingly the worm goes into a comatose state that can last for two or more months.
- The Ribbon worm will start eating itself to avoid starvation.
- The bite of a leech is painless due to its own anesthetic.
- The silkworm’s silk comes out of its mouth as a thread of gooey liquid. The nice silk blouse you bought is really just worm spit.
- The biggest tapeworm found in the human body was found to be amazing 35 meters long.
- Caterpillars completely liquefy when they transform into moths.
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