Category: Facts

Delightful Facts

15 Delightful Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The amazing fact is that the German Empire in its 47 years of existence won more Nobel Prizes in science than Britain, France, Russia, …

Exciting Facts

15 Exciting Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The Amazing fact Rolls-Royce showroom in London, he felt insulted when the salesman implied that he couldn’t afford to purchase the car. He purchased …

Awesome Facts

15 Awesome Facts | Amazing Facts 4U The Awesome Facts is in the late 19th century in Great Britain, attempted suicide was deemed to be equivalent to attempted murder and …

Exotic Facts

15 Exotic Facts | Amazing Facts 4U If the American President is unmarried or his wife dies during his term, another female relative will become the First Lady. Three president’s daughters, …

Engrossing Facts

15  Engrossing Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Old NYC subway cars are dumped into the Atlantic Ocean to help build an artificial reef to serve as a habitat for marine life. …

Absorbing Facts

15 Absorbing Facts | Amazing Facts 4U It costs an amazing $25,000 for a mountaineer to buy a single permit to climb Mt. Everest. Germany builds about twice as many cars as …