Category: Food


40 Amazing Facts about Chocolate | Amazing Facts 4U Chocolate was originally used more than 2,500 years ago in Central America. The Mayan civilization considered Cacao to be a divine gift and it …


35 Amazing Facts About Apples | Amazing Facts 4U The scientific name for apple is Aplicus Rosacea. The science of apple cultivation is known as Pomology. Apple trees only bear fruits …


80 Amazing Facts about Food | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly almost half of the world’s food is thrown away every year. It is amazing that Americans spend more on cat …

Breast Milk

30 Facts about Breast Milk | Amazing Facts 4U As the body is born and the placenta comes out, a major drop in hormones occurs signaling a hormone called …


30 Amazing Facts about Banana | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly over 100 million tons of bananas are produced every year, making it the world’s most popular fruit. Bananas are …


40 Amazing Facts About Coffee | Amazing Facts 4U The fact is that as per historians, coffee was first discovered by a herd of goats. An Ethiopian herder discovered a bean making …