Category: Science


35 Amazing Facts about color | Amazing Facts 4U The amazing Fact is that technically, it’s all in our heads. Amazingly color does not exist at all. It is something …


25 Amazing and fascinating Facts About Glass | Amazing Facts 4U The first glass was formed from molten volcanic rock that cooled down extremely quickly. Glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) …


Top 25 Amazing Facts About Neuron | Amazing Facts 4U The nervous system is a complex structure of nerves of neurons that transmit signals around the body to coordinate actions …


Top 45 Amazing Facts About Light | Amazing Facts 4U Light energy is the only energy visible to the human eye. Light rays have different colors due to differing wavelengths. …


20 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Nebula | Amazing Facts 4U The word nebula means “cloud” in Latin; indeed, nebulae are space. Nebulas are often the result of a giant star …