Jelly Fish

50 Amazing Facts About Jelly Fish | Amazing Facts 4U

50 Awesome Amazing Facts About Jelly Fish | Amazing Facts 4U

  1. Jelly Fish are found in every ocean of the world and also in some freshwater lakes.
  2. Amazingly Jelly Fish are the longest-living multi-organ animals living in the waters of the world for more than 650 million years, long before the dinosaurs and sharks.
  3. There are more than 2,000 different types of jellyfish out of which only 70 species can hurt. It is believed that thousands of jellyfish species are yet to be discovered.
  4. Jelly Fish belong to the radially symmetrical Phylum Cnidaria which also includes hydras, sea anemones, and corals.
  5. The top of the jellyfish that looks like the top of a mushroom is called the bell. Its arms are called tentacles.
  6. True jellyfish are scyphozoans meaning “bowl animals with bell sounded like a bowl ”. Box jellyfish are cubozoans, meaning “cube animals which have bell having sides and rounded corners.
  7. Most JellyFish has two basic stages. In the first stage, called polyps they grow and grow by making buds, like plants. The polyp then buds off a young jellyfish called an ephyra which after a few weeks, becomes an adult jellyfish called medusa.
  8. They are usually found in shallow coastal water but few species have been found at depths of 30,000 feet (9,000 meters).
  9. Jellyfish that stay near the sunlight at the water’s surface tend to be colorless. Jellyfish that swim deeper are often red, purple, green, yellow, and sometimes they may even have stripes.
  10. Jellyfish range from the size of the eraser tip of the pencil to approximately 8 feet in diameter and tentacles that reach up to 200 feet.
  11. Jelly Fish are invertebrates i.e. animals without a skeleton. Approximately 95 to 98% of their body is water.
  12. If Jellyfish are removed from the water, they dehydrate and die.
  13. Each jellyfish tentacle is armed with thousands of cells called cnidoblasts within which are nematocysts containing a coiled stinging thread that uncoils like a harpoon when threatened.
  14. The amazing fact is that the uncoiling of the jellyfish’s small stingers is one of the fastest actions in nature being faster than a bullet from a gun.
  15. The amazing fact is that a jellyfish tentacle can still sting even if it is separated from the jellyfish’s body.
  16. Jellyfish possess a hanging tube that acts as both their mouth and its digestive tube. In some jellyfish, the central tube is surrounded by curly ribbons like oral arms or mouth arms. True jellyfish usually have four oral arms.
  17. Jelly Fish is without brain, heart, ear, head, feet, or bones. The skin is thin enough for jellyfish to breathe through it.
  18. Jellyfish do have elementary nervous receptors that detecting light, vibrations, and chemicals in the water. They also have a sense of gravity allowing jellyfish to guide themselves in the water.
  19. The Portuguese man of war growing from 30 to 150 feet can be confused with a jellyfish but it is not a true jellyfish being a colony of organisms that remain bound and work together.
  20. Amazingly the smallest jellyfish in the world is the creeping jellyfish having bell disks from 0.5 mm to a few mm in diameter. It reproduces asexually by splitting in half.
  21. Very small but extremely toxic Jelly Fish is Australian Irukandji, which is only the size of a fingernail but can have three-feet-long tentacles. Besides stingers on their tentacles, it has its bell as well. It can kill you within 20 minutes after the sting of cardiac arrest!
  22. A group of jellyfish is called a bloom, swarm, or smack.
  23. The Amazing fact is that Jelly Fish blooms near Japan can have over 500 million jellyfish, with each Jelly Fish the size of a refrigerator.
  24. The Nomura jellyfish is the largest jellyfish weighing as much as 200 Kg followed by Lion’s mane jellyfish.
  25. The Lion’s mane jellyfish can have tentacles up to 120 feet in length. Its bell can measure up to 7 feet, 6 inches across. Its sting is painful, but not deadly for us.
  26. The giant Jelly Fish called Stygiomedusa gigantic has been reportedly seen only 17 times in the last 110 years.
  27. Jellyfish produce both asexually and sexually. They are usually male or female, though hermaphroditic species have also been found.
  28. Most jellyfish are passive carnivores feeding on plankton, crustaceans, other jellyfish, fish eggs, and small fish. They have only one hole in the middle of the bell through which to eat and void.
  29. Jellyfish have several predators, including other jellyfish, sharks, tuna, swordfish, and sea turtles.
  30. One species of Jelly Fish, the Turritopsis nutricula, also known as the “immortal jellyfish” can transform from the mature state back to the polyp state thereby avoiding death by a process called transdifferentiation.
  31. The type of jellyfish most seen on the shores of North America and Europe is the Moon jellyfish colored blue or pink. Its sting is usually mild leaving an itchy rash.
  32. The upside-down Jelly Fish does not float in the water. Instead, it anchors itself to the ocean floor, with its short arms and tentacles reaching up looking like a bowl of plants.
  33. Crabs have sometimes been seen hitching a ride on a jellyfish. The crab benefits by catching a little of the food the jellyfish traps. The hard, outer shell of the crab protects it from the jellyfish’s sting.
  34. Jellyfish move in two ways either taking water in their bell and then squirt it out creating a jet of water that moves them forward or by riding on water currents.
  35. Jellyfish are aggressive colonizers. 8 years after comb jellyfish were introduced into the Black Sea in 1982, they totaled about 900 million tons.
  36. Amazingly Jelly Fish account for more than 10 times the weight of the annual fish catch around the world.
  37. Jellyfish can adapt to ocean dead zones where there are little oxygen and lots of pollution. There are over 400 marine dead zones in the world.
  38. In several parts of the world, jellyfish are considered a delicacy, especially in Malaysia. The most commonly eaten jellyfish is the Cannonball jellyfish.
  39. Jellyfish are also harvested for collagen which can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  40. Jellyfish can digest their food quickly after trapping it.
  41. The most dangerous Jelly Fish is the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)also called “Marine Stinger” and the “Sea Wasp”. The venom in a single box jellyfish can kill 60 people. The venom kills a person by stopping his or her heart in about two minutes. Scientists have developed anti-venom for box jellyfish stings.
  42. Box Jelly Fish has caused about 5600 recorded deaths in the last 60 years in Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. Each tentacle in Box Jellyfish has about 500,000 harpoon-shaped needles that can inject venom into the victim.
  43. The box jellyfish is unique because it has 24 eyes and four parallel brains. Two of its eyes can see color and it also has a unique 360-degree vision. It is an active hunter mainly because it has eyes, unlike true jellyfish. It is also a better swimmer at speeds of up to 4 mph, which is faster than most people can swim.
  44. Although Box Jellyfish have eyes with lenses, cornea, and retina similar to us but eyes are permanently out of focus due to the absence of the brain.
  45. In fact, JellyFish kill more people than sharks do every year.
  46. Jellyfish can sense a storm 10 to 15 hrs. before it actually occurs and leaves the shore and goes into the deep sea.
  47. The best thing to do after the Jellyfish sting is to wash the affected with salt water (Not freshwater). Saltwater will deactivate the stinging cells, while fresh or tap water will reactivate them. The best way to remove the cells is with something such as a credit card.
  48. Vinegar is the recommended first aid treatment for jellyfish stings. Alcohol, or alkaline substances, and rubbing the stung area can make things worse.
  49. The bioluminescent Aequoreavictoria jellyfish expresses the green fluorescent protein (GFP) which is now widely used to mark specific organs and cells which can be then be followed in living organisms.  Osamu Shimomura, who discovered GFP, and Roger Tsien and Martin Chalfie, who first developed many applications using it were awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2008.
  50. Jelly Fish was responsible for temporarily shutting down a nuclear power plant in Japan after becoming stuck in its cooling system.

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