
35 Amazing Facts About Apples | Amazing Facts 4U The scientific name for apple is Aplicus Rosacea. The science of apple cultivation is known as Pomology. Apple trees only bear fruits …


25 Amazing Facts about Lion | Amazing Facts 4U The average male lion weighs around 180 kg (400 lb) while the average female lion weighs around 130 kg (290 lb). The …

World War II (Part 2)

35 Amazing Facts about World War II  (Part II) | Amazing Facts 4U In 1935, British engineer Robert Watson-Watt was working on a “death ray” that would destroy enemy aircraft using radio …

World War II (Part 1)

50 Amazing Facts about World War II ( Part I) | Amazing Facts 4U The roots of World War II lie in the Treaty of Versailles which was created in …


35 Amazing and Unknown Facts about Fish | Amazing Facts 4U Fish have a backbone and they breathe through gills. Most fish have scales. Amazingly the age of the fish …


Top 25 Amazing Facts About Butterflies | Amazing Facts 4U There are about 24,000 species of butterflies. Amazingly the moths are even more numerous, about 140,000 species. The butterfly was …